CTJ is a growing community.

Our current congregation is the result of three long-established community institutions — Congregation Tifereth Jacob of Manhattan Beach, B’nai Tikvah Congregation of Westchester, and Congregation Beth Torah of Torrance— uniting to form a vibrant, egalitarian, spiritual center for the enjoyment and practice of Judaism.

our Approach

Our synagogue is progressive yet with a traditionally-toned mode of Jewish worship that encourages and invites your active involvement.

what we offer

With a diversity of focused and enhanced programs from Hebrew School to Hazak (55+), outstanding clergy and staff, and a warm and active membership, we offer the Jewish community something for just about everyone.

our history

Congregation Tifereth Jacob was chartered in October 1925, beginning operations out of a West Adams storefront. In 1976, the synagogue moved south to Manhattan Beach.

In 1946, Westchester Jewish Congregation was formed, which later ultimately became B’nai Tikvah Congregation. 

In 2007, these two long-established community institutions merged to form a vibrant, egalitarian spiritual center for the enjoyment and practice of Judaism and Congregation Tikvat Jacob (which translated means “Hope of Jacob”) was born.

Several years later, Congregation Beth Torah, in looking for a merger partner, approached CTJ knowing our successful merger history and stable base.


400 families

Our current membership is approaching 400 families and after much time spent analyzing the market for a new property, it was decided that our current home could be refurbished and reconfigured to better serve our growing congregation. The remodeling and renovation of our home, which was previously a women's gym, was completed in December of 2015.

our new space

With an accredited Religious School and a full range of ongoing community activities, special events and adult education programs, the newly renovated space provides a physical environment consistent with our community’s lifestyle, as well as greatly enhance our members’ experiences at CTJ and attract new members to join our family.