What does the synagogue do with our dues?
The Board of Directors, our synagogue staff, and clergy carefully plan and budget. Dues are used to fund all the operations of the synagogue, including salaries, programming, High Holy Day services, and more. Dues account for only 70% of our budget.
What other events are included in our dues?
Our High Holy Day services, Hanukkah, Purim, and Sukkot and others are included. Our wide variety of programs, such as our CTJ Book Club, Torah Study, Poker Club, Tot Shabbat, Adult education classes and others.
We cannot afford paying full dues. Is financial aid available?
This year with Covid and our collective financial situation, our CTJ Board of Directors is allowing any member in good standing to continue membership in the coming year regardless of financial ability. At the end of the membership form - you decide how much you can afford this year. We’re asking members who can afford to give more to step up and help those of us who cannot this year. If you are new to CTJ, our membership fees are only $380 plus $150 for a security initiative for the first year so you can “test drive” membership without as much of a financial commitment. We never want finances to be a barrier so please let us know if that’s an issue.
What are my payment options?
Installment payment plans are easily available. You may pay by check, cash, or credit card.
Do we receive High Holy Day tickets with our membership?
Yes, your membership includes High Holy Day tickets at no additional charge. Members’ adult children above college age must purchase tickets. Tickets for additional, extended family members over the age of 18 must be purchased. Tickets are non-transferable.
What is the Building Fund?
Building fund is used to maintain our CTJ home. The Building Fund obligation is assessed when a member joins the synagogue, and is a mandatory fee for all members which may be paid over a period of five years or less.
How do I renew my membership & my children’s Religious School enrollment at the end of the fiscal year?
We send out online forms in June and July for you to renew your membership and enroll in Religious school.
What is an Associate Membership?
The Associate Membership category was established to enable households who pay full membership at another synagogue to support CTJ. Associate Membership privileges include: receiving all mailings and newsletters, attendance at all activities at member rates and High Holy Day tickets (upon request). Religious School programs are not included in Associate Membership. To apply for Associate Membership, please include a letter from the synagogue of which you are currently a member that states you are a member in good standing.
How will I know what is happening at CTJ?
We send out a weekly synagogue e-mail update, a separate weekly Religious School e-mail update and our TikvaTimes, a hard copy newsletter, is mailed to every member’s home every other month. Our website is updated regularly and has a large variety of information and links about everything CTJ related. Please make sure that the office (office@ctjmb.org) has your current email address so you receive all updates. You can also sign up at the bottom of this page.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact:
Stella August in our Accounting Department will handle any billing questions.
General information questions can be directed to Wendy Shabsis in our main office.
Any further questions or concerns can be directed to our Executive Director, Tamah Kushner.