“V’asu li mikdash, v’shachanti b’tocham… make for me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”


Your donations to the CTJ funds create and sustain exceptional programming and worship. They also bring the benefits of CTJ membership and Hebrew School to all South Bay Jews, regardless of ability to pay.

What better way to mark an anniversary, birthday, soccer victory, honor roll achievement, or other significant occasion than by giving to a CTJ fund? You can even designate your donation in honor or memory of someone. If you wish, we will send a tribute note to whomever you designate, informing them that a donation was made in their honor.

When you make your donation, you may want to direct your contribution to a specific fund.


General Fund

The core of our fundraising, the General Fund keeps your community going. Dues only cover about 70% of our budget so this fund is a vital and very important Mitzvah contribution.

Torah Scroll Fund

For the restoration of our Czech Torah Scroll #243 that survived the Holocaust. Learn about the Torah Scroll and how we acquired it: ctjmb.org/czech-torah-scroll

Yahrzeit Fund

Giving tzedakah is a traditionally meaningful way to mark the Yahrzeit memorial of a loved one. Donations to this fund defray the cost of sending out memorial reminders, and maintain Yahrzeit Memorials and our  beautiful Memorial Wall.

Building Fund

Maintains our beautifully remodeled building in tip-top shape.

Prayer book & Ritual Fund

Pays for maintenance and repair of our Torah scrolls, covers, and adornments, and for replacement and covering of prayer books.  

Rabbi Kalev's Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Kalev disburses his discretionary fund on your behalf with confidentiality and discretion -- to worthy and deserving charitable, educational, and Jewish cultural causes. Beneficiaries include but are not limited to established community and international relief efforts, emergency relief for local individuals and families, and scholarships for Jewish summer camp and Israel youth programs. In addition, the fund is used to support CTJ programs and activities.

Rabbi Mark's Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Mark disburses his discretionary fund on your behalf with confidentiality and discretion -- to worthy and deserving charitable, educational, and Jewish cultural causes. Beneficiaries include but are not limited to established community and international relief efforts, emergency relief for local individuals and families, and scholarships for Jewish summer camp and Israel youth programs.

Oneg/Kiddush Fund

We love food at CTJ. Help host an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush lunch through this fund.

B'nai Mitzvah Fund

Cantor Beth designates this discretionary fund for the B'nai Mitzvah program, educational programming, and the needs of CTJ.

Educational Enrichment Fund

Subsidizes Religious School and its enrichment programs, special expenses, and student scholarships.

Bornstein Religious School Scholarship Fund

The Bornstein Religious School Scholarship Fund helps fund financial assistance for religious school students who cannot afford full payment.

Abrams Youth Scholarship Fund

In memory of the members of the Abrams Family who over the years have guided the Congregation, this Fund subsidizes students who would like to attend Jewish camps,  Israel trips, or other educational opportunities. Scholarship applications are available every year.

Michael Rotstein Scholarship Fund

Established in 1997 in honor and memory of Mikey Rotstein, who passed away at age six, this fund promotes the involvement of CTJ youth in Jewish community programs. Scholarships are awarded based on both the value of the requested program and financial need. Past awards have helped fund participation in Jewish summer camps, retreats, the Macabee Games in Israel and other activities.  Applications are available from the office.

Anna Shure Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund

For Camp Ramah scholarships.

Formann - Sirota Music Fund

Funds aspects of CTJ’s premier musical service, “Light Up Shabbat,” reaching and touches all who love blending music and prayer.

Alan Reinstein Memorial Fund

Contributions are directed to the beautification of CTJ in memory of Alan Reinstein, a beloved former CTJ board member.

CTJ Sisterhood

Donations support CTJ Sisterhood's many social and educational programs as well as Sisterhood sponsored charitable endeavors within the CTJ and South Bay community.